Sage tried to run yesterday. He really shouldn't have, his joints and tendons and bones just aren't able to handle the pounding. I should have a talk with him. He actually missed school today. It was a really bad idea, like last summer when he jumped off the playground tower and cracked bones that were brittle from lack of use. What was he thinking? I heard that phrase repeatedly from his doctors, friends, teachers.
So, I suppose I should be having a talk with him. THINK boy. You have limitations, for God's sake. Look before you leap. Count the cost. Accept your situation.
Here I sit, drinking my coffee, thinking all these grown up parenting thoughts. Here is the thought, though, that keeps coming back to me.
Screw maturity. Run. Jump. Fly, boy, fly. And never, ever let anyone say you can't.
That's what I have to say to you, and I will always be limping right behind you, while everyone else is on the sidelines watching and slowly shaking their heads in a very sensible way. Because even if your feet and legs don't work at all, I will be damned before I tell you your spirit can't soar.
This reminds me of one of my favorite Shel Silverstein poems, "Listen to the Mustn'ts:
Listen to Mustn'ts, child, listen to the Don'ts.
Listen to the Shouldn'ts, the Impossibles, the Won'ts.
Listen to the Never Haves, then Listen close to me.
Anything can happen, child, Anything can be.
I've missed your blogs, especially since I stopped facebooking. Thanks for these.
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